What You Should Know About a Kidney and Liver Function Test

A kidney and liver function test is used to determine the general health of your organs. This test measures a substance called creatinine, which is excreted in the urine. The creatinine level is used to determine the glomerular filtration rate of the kidney. Increasing creatinine levels may indicate a condition such as chronic kidney disease, or it may simply be an indicator of the overall health of the organs.
Serum albumin is a major component of plasma and plays a vital role in maintaining oncotic pressure. An abnormally high level of serum albumin may indicate kidney and liver disease. These tests are commonly used to monitor kidney and liver function in patients with different health problems. The results of this test may be abnormal in some people, while others may not need a blood test to determine the health of their organs. In either case, a doctor will be able to recommend a course of treatment.
The normal range of a kidney and liver function test is the range in which 19 out of every 20 people will fall. Only one person in every 20 will have a test that is abnormal without any cause. Moreover, half of these individuals will have a slightly high or low result. However, the levels should not be too high or too low. These levels vary among individuals, as well as with population, genetics, and lifestyle factors.
A blood sample of a single drop of blood is used to determine liver and kidney function. To collect this sample, The Online Clinic will provide a self-collection kit that includes everything needed for a skin prick. The kit contains lancets and swabs to clean the skin and tubes for collecting blood. You can also receive a PDF file of your full lab report. The results are generally available within a few hours.
When a patient has a liver and kidney function test, the results will show if the liver is working properly and is removing harmful chemicals from the blood. If the test results show that the liver is functioning well, there is no reason for alarm. This test will tell you if you need a liver transplant. If you don’t have one, a doctor may recommend one if you’re experiencing any of these issues.
A liver and kidney function test may determine if the presence of certain enzymes in the blood is a sign of a condition such as cirrhosis or a bacterial infection. A high C-reactive protein (CRP) level may also indicate inflammation in the body, which has been linked to heart disease. The test can detect even small changes in the level of c-reactive protein, which is important in determining a person’s overall risk of cardiovascular disease.
If you notice that the blood sugar level in your urine is high or low, it may mean that your liver is engorged with glucose. If your blood glucose is normal, it’s unlikely you will need a liver transplant. However, if you notice any of these changes, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. He or she will be able to advise you on further tests and monitoring. However, if your blood glucose level is significantly low or very high, you should see a doctor right away.