Everything You Require To Know About Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are twisted, swollen veins that can develop anywhere in the body but are most prevalent in your legs. Varicose veins El Paso are not a major medical disease, although they can be painful and lead to more significant issues. Furthermore, they may make you feel uneasy or embarrassed because they may be quite visible.
Common causes of varicose veins
Varicose veins are caused by elevated blood pressure in your veins and develop in the veins near the surface of your skin (superficial). The blood flows towards the heart by one-way valves in your veins. When the valves become weakened or injured, blood can accumulate in the veins; thus, they become enlarged.
Standing or sitting for long periods can cause blood to pool in the leg veins, raising the pressure within the veins. The increasing pressure might cause veins to stretch, weakening your vein walls and harming the valves.
The risk factors for varicose veins
Anyone can develop varicose veins, and specific factors increase your chances of having them, including:
1. Age: As you age, your vein walls and valves stop working as well as they used to. Veins lose elasticity and become rigid.
2. Family history: This disease can be inherited (runs in families).
3. Lifestyle: Standing or sitting for long periods reduces circulation. Also, wearing restrictive clothing, like girdles or pants with tight waistbands, can reduce blood flow.
4. Gender: Female hormones can cause the walls of the veins to stretch. Women who are pregnant, on the birth control pill, or going through menopause are more prone to varicose veins because of variations in hormone levels.
5. General health: Specific health issues, like persistent constipation or certain tumors, raise the pressure in your veins.
6. Tobacco usage: Those who use tobacco substances are more prone to varicose veins.
The distinction between varicose and spider veins
Varicose and spider veins are types of venous illness, although they appear different. Spider veins are narrower and smaller than varicose veins. They look like blue or red spider webs or branches of a tree and are close to your skin’s surface.
Spider veins aren’t typically painful and can develop anywhere, most commonly behind your knee, feet, or face. Conversely, varicose veins usually appear on your feet and legs.
The connection between pregnancy and varicose veins
Women who can become pregnant are significantly more likely to have varicose veins during pregnancy than at any other time in their lives. Pregnant women have much more blood in their bodies, which puts extra pressure on their circulatory system. Also, variations in hormone levels might cause relaxation of your blood vessel walls. Both these factors increase the risk of getting varicose veins.
As the uterus, or womb, expands, there is more pressure on the veins in the pelvic region. Most of the time, the varicose veins disappear when the pregnancy is finished. Conversely, this is not always the case, and sometimes, even if the varicose veins heal, some may remain visible.
Varicose veins typically worsen with time. This is true even if you adjust your lifestyle to control them and manage your discomfort. While they are unattractive, they seldom cause long-term medical issues. Consult your provider to determine which therapy is best for you. Call Desert West Vein & Surgery Center or book your meeting online to determine which varicose veins therapies suit you.