Everything About Venous Stasis Dermatitis

Venous stasis dermatitis is a skin condition caused by poor leg circulation, resulting in fluid buildup, skin inflammation, and discoloration. Deep vein thrombosis, venous insufficiency, and heart failure are all possible causes. Itching, pain, swelling, and redness are the most common symptoms, with skin ulcers developing in severe venous stasis dermatitis Somerville.
Before deciding on the best course of treatment, your doctor will need to assess the severity of the condition and the underlying cause. To diagnose venous stasis dermatitis and rule out other potential causes, the doctor may perform tests such as a physical exam, duplex ultrasonography, or venography. In some cases, they may also refer you to a specialist, such as a dermatologist or a vascular surgeon. It is recommended to follow your doctor’s advice and get regular check-ups to keep the condition from worsening and to ensure proper healing.
The following are some common treatments that may be used:
Compression therapy
Compression therapy, which entails wearing compression stockings or bandages, is a treatment option for venous stasis dermatitis. Compression therapy aims to improve circulation and prevent fluid buildup in the affected leg. Compression stockings apply gentle pressure to the legs, aiding in the prevention of blood pooling in the veins.
This can help to reduce swelling, discomfort, and the likelihood of skin ulcers. A doctor usually prescribes compression therapy, which should be used exactly as directed. In some cases, bandages may be used instead of stockings, particularly if skin ulcers are present. To ensure proper compression and comfort, wear the correct size compression garment.
Topical medications
Topical medications are applied directly to the skin. They commonly treat venous stasis dermatitis to relieve itching, redness, and inflammation. Some common topical medications used to treat venous stasis dermatitis include:
- Hydrocortisone: A mild steroid that reduces itching, redness, and inflammation.
- Antibiotic ointments: Used to prevent or treat skin infections.
- Calcium alginate dressings: Used to promote the healing of skin ulcers and absorb excess fluid.
- Topical pain relievers: Used to relieve discomfort and pain in the affected area.
These medications are typically applied to the affected area as directed by a doctor. In some cases, a combination of topical medications may be used for more effective treatment.
Venous surgery
Venous surgery is a treatment option for venous stasis dermatitis caused by a blockage in the veins. The goal of venous surgery is to remove the blockage and improve blood flow. Several types of venous surgeries may be used, including:
- Venous stripping: Involves removing the affected vein entirely.
- Endovenous laser treatment (EVLT): Involves using laser energy to close the affected vein.
- Radiofrequency closure: Involves using radiofrequency energy to close the affected vein.
- Ambulatory phlebectomy: Involves removing small sections of the affected vein through tiny incisions.
These procedures are typically performed under local anesthesia and may be done on an outpatient basis. The recovery time and specific aftercare instructions will depend on the type of surgery and the individual patient. Venous surgery is typically only recommended for severe cases of venous stasis dermatitis that are not responsive to other treatments.
Contact your doctor at Somerset Surgical Associates, LLC, if you suffer from venous stasis dermatitis.