Different Varieties of Crowns for Teeth

Do you require dental crowns for tooth restoration? If so, you should investigate the various headdress materials before proceeding. It is nevertheless advisable to be aware of your alternatives before your consultation, even though your dentist from union square crowns can make a material recommendation for you.
Dental Crown Components
Dental crowns are available in several different materials. Durability and visual appeal vary across materials. Learn the distinctions between crowns made of ceramic, porcelain-fused-to-metal, gold, and base metal alloys.
- Porcelain Crowns
Ceramic crowns are enticing due to the material’s natural appearance. These crowns are designed to appear identical to natural teeth, concealing the fact that a dental restoration has been performed. Ceramic crowns chip and wear too easily to protect back teeth from biting forces. Although they are a fantastic alternative for the front teeth, these crowns are prone to breaking and chipping on the back teeth.
- Metal-Fused Porcelain Crowns
For the back molars, porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns are frequently recommended by dentists. The crown’s metal frame ensures its durability, and its porcelain exterior blends nicely with the neighboring teeth. These crowns are strong and look good because they are made of metal and china.
- Golden Tiaras
Gold is a suitable material for crowns. Even if individuals grind their teeth, the metal is extremely durable and likely to last long. This material will not wear down the adjacent teeth, and less of the tooth’s natural structure will need to be removed than is the case with gold crowns. Gold crowns can also be cemented rather than bonded. For patients who have trouble bonding, this is more pleasant.
However, there are some disadvantages. First, crowns made of gold do not merge with natural teeth. Additionally, gold conducts both hot and frigid temperatures. This can render the crown site sensitive. Typically, this resolves itself within a few weeks.
Gold crowns are also susceptible to micro gaps. Along the extremities of the crown, these voids may occur. Invading bacteria can cause the decay of the remaining teeth.
- Crowning Base Metal Compounds
Crowns made from alloys of base metals are also resilient and sturdy. The crowns protect the health of adjacent teeth and, like gold crowns, require the dentist to remove minimal tooth structure for placement.
Base metal alloy dental crowns do not match the color of the natural teeth. As the restoration is less visible, these crowns are frequently chosen for the rear teeth. Then they can reap the benefits of the crowns’ fortitude.
Deciding on A Crown Material
It is essential to select the appropriate dental crown material. You desire a material that satisfies your aesthetic requirements while also ensuring the restoration’s longevity. Ask your dentist whether to receive gold, base metal alloy, porcelain-fused to metal, or ceramic crowns. Your dentist will advise you based on many variables, including the position of the affected tooth.