6 Common Sports Injuries in Kids

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, more than 3.5 million kids are injured yearly in sports. All activities have a risk of injury, and while there are precautions you can take to avoid sports injuries, these common ailments can still occur. Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE) is often used to treat sports injuries in children; however, there are situations when you should contact your doctor. Consult your Argyle pediatrician if your kid suffers one of the following injuries and has signs that do not improve with home therapy.
1. ACL tear
One of the key ligaments stabilizing the knee joint is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), which joins the femur with the tibia. An ACL tear can develop due to a blow to the outside of your knee or without impact after a twist or jump. ACL tears are more prevalent in children participating in sports, including basketball, volleyball, tennis, and soccer. Additionally, an ACL injury causes knee discomfort, swelling, and restricted mobility.
2. Ankle sprains
Ankle sprains are among the most prevalent sports injuries in youngsters that happen when the ligaments that hold the ankle together strain and tear. This can occur in sports that demand cutting or twisting movements, such as basketball, tennis, soccer, and football. Ankle sprains induce discomfort, soreness, swelling, bruising, and ankle instability. Most sprains are mild injuries that recover with the RICE procedure but occasionally need an orthopedic specialist’s care.
3. Little league elbow
Little league elbow is triggered by repeated stress to the growth site inside your kid’s elbow, resulting in discomfort and tenderness. It is prevalent among baseball and softball players in positions including pitcher, catcher, infielder, and outfielder. Also, it may arise in other sports when repetitive throwing is necessary.
4. Spondylolysis
Spondylolysis is a stress fracture of your lumbar spine. A stress fracture develops when a bone breaks due to recurrent stress from strain or compression. This injury commonly arises in the lower back and among young athletes who engage in gymnastics, tennis, rowing, weightlifting, and track & field.
5. Osgood-Schlatter
An Osgood-Schlatter condition is a distinct form of knee discomfort from an ACL tear. It is a traction injury (also referred to as a stretch injury) to an apophysis, a growth plate at the top of your shin bone. Muscle tension combined with excessive activity levels causes the injury leading to discomfort, swelling, and a lump at the bottom of your knee.
6. Turf toe
The turf toe is the hyperextension of the big toe, and it happens when a young athlete pushes off the ground strongly, forcing the big toe upward. It takes its name from American football played on artificial turf, although it may happen in any activity where the participant pushes off violently to sprint or leap. The most common sign of these sports injuries in youngsters is pain, but swelling may also be evident.
Sport gives the ideal outlet for youngsters to be active while having fun and learning vital life skills. While there is always the risk of injury, there are several steps you and your children can take to practice and compete properly, assuring years of exciting activity in the future. Call Argyle Pediatrics or book your meeting today to determine which sports injury therapies are best for your child.