3 Ways a Dentist Can Prevent Causing You Pain During Dental Surgery

You may be nervous about an upcoming dental surgery procedure if it’s major. Maybe you have an upcoming extraction, root canal, or gum grafting procedure that you think will cause you a lot of pain. The good news is that dentists have the equipment and the compassion to provide you with ways to avoid pain. The procedure that the dentist uses will be up to that particular dental practice and you. The following are three options for pain management that you may want to consider when you see the dentist for your procedure.
General Anesthesia
The majority of dental offices use traditional general anesthesia to treat their patients so that they don’t feel pain during dental surgery. In this process, the dentist first numbs the gums with a gel-based numbing agent. He or she then uses a needle to insert novocaine, lidocaine, or an alternative into the nerve in the area where the surgery will take place. The anesthetic usually lasts about four hours, and the patient feels no pain until it wears off. By that time, the patient may have taken pain pills that the dentist prescribed.
Oral Conscious Sedation
General anesthesia is acceptable for many people, but some other people prefer oral conscious sedation. Oral conscious sedation is a procedure in which the dentist uses a combination of an oral sedative and nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide is better known as “laughing gas” because of the carefree effects it has on the person who receives it. This solution may be more favorable to you because it’s a little less invasive than a needle. Also, the effects of the nitrous oxide usually wear off within minutes of removing the mask. That may be more favorable to you, as well. You can visit https://www.dsofcarrollton.com/ to get more information on this procedure.

IV Sedation
IV sedation is another alternative that you may prefer. In this form of sedation, the dentist injects the medication into your vein. It may not put you to sleep fully, but it will lessen your awareness of the procedure. You may be a good candidate for this method if you suffer from a high level of anxiety over a dental procedure, or you have a high gag reflex. The dentist will monitor your vitals during the entire time you’re under IV sedation. You will receive immediate assistance if you show any symptoms of distress. The majority of patients who have used this procedure have made their way out of it in excellent shape.
Schedule Your Surgery With Confidence
As you can see, the specialist can take several routes to ensure that you don’t feel the slightest amount of pain while he or she is working on your teeth. Make sure that you consider the pros and cons of all three options and choose the one that you feel is right for you. Don’t participate in any surgical procedure to which you do not agree. Take your time to consult with your dentist properly to ensure that the procedure is something you want to do. Get a second opinion if you feel as though you need to.